Thursday, September 3, 2009

A tiny bit of news!

When it's been a while since there's been any news, even the smallest bit of news is exciting these days. So we thought we'd share it with you...

While the paperwork has not moved at all, we did hear this week that there is some activity going on there. We are in the process of finding someone to help us with this step of the process. He is in the process of reviewing where we are, and will hopefully give us some feedback soon. Please pray that this will be the contact we need in order to give our paperwork the right shove to get out of the rut we've been in!

In the meantime I thought we'd share some more pictures of the property with you. The picture on the header of the blog is one picture of the beach where the property is located. This is a view of the beach in the other direction (towards the East)...

Here are a few shots of the actual land/property... You even get to see my shadow as I'm taking the picture!

It really is a beautiful piece of land, and a beautiful location. We thank God for the work he has done so far, and ask you to continue to pray as we work to get our paperwork in order so we can begin this project.

I will be working on an introductory letter for the project hopefully this coming week. There is so much information we need to fit into a small amount of space, so I'd really appreciate your prayers as we work on this. And thanks so much for continuing to hold us and the project up in your prayers. We continue to wait on Him to bring these things about...thanks for being in the journey together with us.

1 comment:

  1. It is beautiful I hope I get the chance to walk on it some day and see a building full of kids!
    God Bless
    Joe Crisafulli
